Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Walk

We went on a hike for Christmas with Scot, Sonja, the dog Bailey and Benjamin's buddy/brother Jake... It was a beautiful day, and Ben was such the trooper! We walked for an hour and a half and he never asked to be picked up! He loved it!!! There were troll bridges we had to pass over and Jake and Ben fed one troll bread for the toll! We hope to make this a weekly walk from now on...and a tradition at Christmas time.

The First snow of the season...

Playing in the first snow...we had to build piles of snowballs to fight each other with...

Chillin' Out

I walked in the living room to see Benjamin sitting reading books like this...too cute!

Decorating the Christmas tree...

Benjamin decorating the Christmas tree with his reindeer antlers on ...

and nothing else...

ho ho ho...

Merry Christmas...

Lil' Kickers Soccer Club

Benjamin also started playing soccer once a week this Fall with the Lil' Kickers Club... He loves going and he being on "his team"...

Preschool - Fall of 2007

This Fall Benjamin started preschool at Winnie The Pooh Preschool. He loves it! This is his school picture...I love his little hands...

Halloween Dragon...

Benjamin passing out candy at the house before we go Trick-or-Treating...he picked out his Dragon Costume!!! and LOVED iT!!!
Oct '07

Benjamin Loves...Dressing Up

Pirate... Spiderman!

Football Player...Go Gators...

Scuba diver...




Friday, December 28, 2007

Ft. Mantanza, Fl November 07

I love this picture of Benjamin and Daddy taken in Florida in November.

Ready, Set, Go!

Well, since I have been so bad about keeping up with photos on our other website, I decided to post daily, (I hope) comments about Benjamin and what he is up to...things he says, what he did that day...
I hope that you all will enjoy it!