Friday, May 30, 2008

Norway Days, San Fransisco

Walking into the entrance of the hall...
My little Viking Benjamin
Benjamin and Lilly, she is wearing the bunad I wore over 40 years ago...

Eating a Pølse
Love the way he is sitting ~watching a fashion show...

Watching the Viking demonstration-we were informed that real vikings did not have horns on their helmets...

Playing with Eric...and as always...
Benjamin ends up on the ground...
What a great day! pølse med lompe, vaffler...good company!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Trip to Moonstone Beach

A big part of our vacation was a trip to Moonstone Beach (for Henriette's birthday) - on the way I feel and we spent 6 hours in the Er! I ended up with 13 stitches in my leg and we continued our journey...the first day we were there it was sooo windy and cold-(first pic beach) but we decided to stay another day and the second day was absolutely heaven! (As you can see in pics 2 and 3) Ben and I got up early and went down to the beach and collected was the best!

The view from the window in our room!

Playing Super Hero with the towel...see how windy it was?

Benjamin looking out the window...I love this picture...

Henriette and Audrey

On the playground...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Fun In The Sun!

Mom and Henriette got to go to lunch and get a pedicure and manicure and the kids all stayed with Uncle Tyson...this is what they did part of the day! Fun!! Fun! Fun! Thanks Uncle Tyson!

Lilly and Benjamin

Fun, fun, fun with Lilly!

On hike with Uncle Tyson~
Climbing the Rock Tunnel... I love you and I miss you Lilly!

Audrey and Benjamin

Benjamin adores his cousin Audrey-he can't wait to see her again sometime soon!