Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ben's Family

A picture Benjamin drew in school last month...and for Easter he got a disposable camera from Sonja - here is a pic of mommy and one of daddy that he took...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Snow in Norway

A picture of the snow in the Norwegian mountains that I received from my Uncle Einar today...and we thought we got alot this year!

Kite Festival...April 5

YUM, first cotton candy...

Jake's Opa teaching the boys to fly their new kites...

Ben and Jake flying kites for the first time...the day was a bit cold and very windy...
perfect for flying kites!

Ben flying his kite...
and like he likes to do everything else...
he tried it from the ground...

Two buddies chillin' out after working hard...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A day at IKEA-April 2

So, every Wednesday after soccer so far, Ben and I have been going to IKEA for lunch and for him to play. Since the weather has been so bad, it has been great for him to play in the Smaaland (Small land play area) ...first we sit up in the restaurant and eat and he plays a little...this is one of the toys they have. He always wants to match the bodies on the animals up miss a kid came over and tried to show him that he was doing it "wrong" and he got so angry...He liked doing it his way. I think he thinks it's funny...
After playing a little he started setting the chairs up to watch a movie...(the chairs are facing away from the wall with the TV on it...and I wanted to say something, but I just sat and watched...) Shortly after he started setting up the chairs, a girl a little younger than he came up and started helping him.... When they were done, they both sat down and Ben touched his finger to his cheek and said "Now, let's watch a Thinking Movie..." and she touched her hand to her cheek and they acted like they were "thinking"...As soon as I pulled out my camera, they got up...but I had to take a pic of the chairs... I wonder where he gets his thoughts from sometimes...
Here he is watching Noggin... see the chairs to left?...

Another day at IKEA...this makes 6 times in the 3 weeks they have been open! Think we like it???

Last weekend of March

So, this past weekend we went to Louisville to see Uncle Tom, Aunt Linda, and couisin Jon. Oddly enough, I did not get one picture of them!
Here is Benjamin with our long time family friend, Anna. We are at my Aunts house...
while we were there Uncle Tom told Ben that he better brush his teeth or the black witch is going to come and make them now he keeps talking about the black witch, worried about his teeth, had a nightmare last night about her coming ... and argued with me today about her. I told him that she did not exsist and he got very angry-"Wait until next time we go to Aunt Joans house and ask Uncle Tom! He told me about her! and SHE IS REAL!!!"
Sunday we went to see the Thomason's at Todd's house and Ben found a match in the dress up department! Ethan, a 6 year old, was just as fond of dressing up as Ben and they played Super Hero's all afternoon. This is a picture of Ben about 5 minutes after we left...crashed!
It was great to see everyone! We need to get some pics of Jon! ...