Friday, March 20, 2009


Ok-so I got really behind in my posts

Each night that I knew I wanted to post something

I just put in a title to remind me and get the date right

and so the past few nights

I have just been trying to catch up

I have a few more to add...but the one from today is so good

that I have to skip forward for a day...

today Ben started back at soccer

and afterwards we went to IKEA for lunch

It was great! Tommy slept through lunch

so I actually got to eat my food hot...

and Ben...well-this is what he did as I was sitting a bench cleaning up Tommy

this is actually after he had been doing it for a while-
I had been watching him without him realizing it for a while and then

it just suddenly dawned on me that
I HAD to record it...

Enjoy...I did!

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