Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Mom, will you marry me?"

Saturday night Benjamin comes up to me with this bouquet of flowers...and the conversation went...
Ben: Mom,..will you marry me?
Me: Well, Benjamin, moms don't usually marry their kids, but we could pretend to get married...
Ben: OK! I have to go to my room to get dressed nice and I'll meet you at the dining room table where we have to have a talk.
Comes back out wearing jeans and a Cincinnati Reds T-shirt
Ben: Ok, I got dressed nice, I wore jeans because I know you like them
Me: Thanks Ben, you look great!
Ben: Thanks! Okay, we have the flowers, now we need the rings...
Me: Where are we going to get rings?
Ben: You have lots of rings mom, get some of those...
Me: Uhh, I don't think we should use any of my jewelry...
Ben: I know! (Comes back with a spider ring) Perfect!
Okay-let's go to the dining room to talk...what do you want to say?
Me: Well, I love you very much and I am honored to marry you.
Ben: (I forgot what he said-and it was really cute...totally off the subject! so I am going to hope to remember and fill it in)
ok, now we are married! so, we have to kiss!
(We kiss)
Ben: Okay, now we have to get a table with lots of food and set it up in my room for the reception, and invite lots of people-my room is the church.
It's getting late, so we will invite to come over tomorrow.
Me: Ok
(Me: I love you Benjamin!)