Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Madness

Things one should never do:

Punch Start

after you accidently hit 666

on the microwave


A cracked plate

your sister painted for you


...Note to self...

Never, never, never

take a kid

to the store

in the afternoon

without a snack

and a nap



Adding to the list of things Ben does...

Soup of the day...





pumpkin seeds

celery tops

apple peel

Microwave on High for 137 seconds

Mom:...NO, No, no...

not that long...

how about just 37 seconds...

Chef Ole': OK...

Handmade ghosts

I love my life...
even on the hard days
~I love my family~
more than I ever imagined possible

I love that I can post all this here...

1 comment:

Heather D said...

OMG...Ben's concoction looks nasty. Very fresh, but nasty.